Eudyptula Challenge is started in end of 2014 and getting very popular among linux enthusiast. A lot of people registered, or by mean of join-in with Little Penguin, but about half of them didn't submit the first task.
Some important notes and comments you can find about eduptula in this link
This time, I'm going to discuss about Task-02. This one is a very little task about building customer kernel.
Your task will start from downloading the kernel source, you can download it as .zip, but best and most recommended option is using git. Figure out how you can get link for latest version of kernel. One of the example could be -
Some important notes and comments you can find about eduptula in this link
This time, I'm going to discuss about Task-02. This one is a very little task about building customer kernel.
Your task will start from downloading the kernel source, you can download it as .zip, but best and most recommended option is using git. Figure out how you can get link for latest version of kernel. One of the example could be -
git clone git://